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Gotham Pictures & E4 Studios

Gotham Metro Studios


E4 Studios


Gotham 4 Studios


Lasky Studios

"Cherish and defend your freedoms. Uphold your personal sovereignty, your freedom to express your thoughts, to travel, to work, to enjoy life and to pursue your individual purpose. Do not blindly adhere to sociopathic ideologies or undisclosed global strategies. We are aware that the architects of the so-called 'new world order' oppose the concept of individual freedom and sovereignty. They are a self-anointed, self-declared elite who are shortsighted, wrongly feel entitled, politically corrupt, and untruthful.


Their agenda is not aligned with the interests of the common people, and it's imperative that we push back against such impositions on our personal freedoms. The most effective method to counteract this globalist agenda—promoted by entities like the World Economic Forum—is by challenging the legitimacy and efficacy of certain 'public-private' partnerships that have proven to be corrupt and ineffectual. This includes organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), among others."


As always, it's important to ensure that any claims made are factually accurate and respectful of differing viewpoints. Remember to foster open dialogues and discussions, which are the cornerstones of a democratic society."

Be Free. Period

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